More Life Health Blog - Discussing Seniors' Exercise, Health, Fitness, & More!
10 Minute Daily Core Exercises for Seniors (Seated)
Simple seated exercises that effectively target your core muscles and strengthen your glutes. Which goes fro 10-Minutes
A stronger core will make your daily tasks easier and improve stability and balance, reducing the risk of falls.
Moreover, a stronger core promotes better posture and movement patterns, relieving strain on your spine and alleviating pain and discomfort.
Simple Exercises For a Stronger Core
A stronger core will make your daily tasks easier and improve stability and balance, reducing the risk of falls.
Moreover, a stronger core promotes better posture and movement patterns, relieving strain on your spine and alleviating pain and discomfort.
Now I don’t focus on core exercises too often because a lot of the exercises we do indirectly engages the core.
However, it's still beneficial to add some additional core exercises to improve core strength.
Which is precisely what we'll be doing today!
In today’s video we will be focusing on strengthening your core (and glutes) while seated in a chair.
This video goes for 10 minutes, which means in just 10 minutes, you'll get a great little core strengthening workout. And in the video, I have modified some common core exercises typically done on the floor.
To get moving with me, click the video below.
Remember, consistency and progression with exercise is key!
Stay moving! and I’ll see you soon!
- Mike
Beginner Vestibular Exercises | Exercises for Dizziness, Vertigo and Motion Sensitivity
Beginner vestibular exercises that can help you manage symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, and motion sensitivity. By practising these exercises, you can enhance your balance and reduce feelings of disorientation. You can easily perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home.
simple Vestibular Exercises
The vestibular system is a part of our inner ear that helps us stay balanced and know where our body is in relation to the space around us.
It is responsible for detecting and processing information about head movements and changes in body position.
As we age, it is not uncommon to experience symptoms of dizziness (lightheadedness and unsteadiness), vertigo (a sensation of spinning or whirling), motion sensitivity (motion sickness) and balance problems.
These are all vestibular symptoms and can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life.
Fortunately, there are proven strategies to reduce these symptoms, including vestibular exercises.
For more on the vestibular system, check out this article here
In today's video, we go through exercises for the vestibular system. These slower-paced vestibular rehabilitation exercises are perfect for seniors, and can be used to relieve symptoms associated with vestibular dysfunction, that being dizziness, vertigo and motion sensitivity.
Always make sure you see your doctor or Vestibular Physiotherapist before undertaking these exercises.
Results are usually seen around 2-6 weeks. Stay consistent and gradually progress the exercises.
To get moving with me, click the video below.
Remember, consistency and progression with exercise is key!
Stay moving! and I’ll see you soon!
- Mike
15 Minute Exercises for Seniors with Physiotherapist - At Home Exercises
15 minutes of the best simple exercises for seniors that you can do daily to ensure you can feel the results with other activities of your daily life.
In today's video, we go through important exercises to do in an exercise session to ensure you notice the benefits in your daily life.
I did my best to limit it to 15 minutes, so that on those days you may not feel like exercising, you can get the benefits by spending just a short amount of time each day. What's 15 minutes in the 1440 minutes of the day? :)
As with all my workouts, this may be the perfect workout for someone based on their current capabilities. For others, it may be too challenging, and for others, maybe it's too easy…… Remember, if an exercise is too difficult, you can modify it to your capabilities. If it is too easy, you can do a more challenging variation.
Along with your specific exercises, I recommend you get outside walking to supplement your weekly exercises. Vary your walks (within your capabilities) to challenge yourself and to work different muscles.
For example, vary your speed - try to increase your pace a little on some walks and work on sustaining this pace for longer each week. Vary the terrain you walk on - walk on the flat, walk uphill, walk downhill, walk upstairs.. And walk on different surfaces (for example, sand vs grass). By doing this you will work different muscles, and it will help improve other areas of your fitness.
Remember, like you do with exercise, build up your walking over time, and if you were previously walking a lot and you’ve had a prolonged break from it, start with less than what you were doing previously when you get back to it. You want to ensure your body adapts to avoid any issues.. and, most importantly, enjoy your walks :) .... and your exercises.
To get moving with me, click the video below.
Remember, consistency and progression with exercise is key!
Stay moving! and I’ll see you soon!
- Mike
Full Workout To Improve Muscular Endurance For Seniors
In this video, we go through an intermediate full workout muscle endurance exercise video working the whole body to get stronger, improve your muscular endurance and fitness.
Improve Muscular Endurance (Intermediate Level) - with weights
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this full endurance workout. We get straight into it today!
I have added the upper-body and lower-body endurance exercises together with a warm-up and cool down - This video uses hand weights and a resistance band and we do higher reps for a little more intensity. Make sure to start with lighter weights for this video. If new to weights I would not recommend starting here, start at my introduction to weights exercise video.
Get stronger, improve your muscular endurance and fitness. Move better, feel better. This session goes for 35 minutes.
So let’s get moving!
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Upper Body Endurance Exercises For Seniors
In this video, we go through an intermediate upper body endurance exercise video working the upper body to improve your strength.
Improve Upper Body Endurance (Intermediate Level)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for a new Strength Saturday Exercise Session (#7). Where we work the endurance of our Upper Body!
This week we are going to continue working our muscular endurance but this time for the upper body. Or more specifically the muscles of the chest, the back, the shoulders, and the arms by doing exercises for higher repetitions, with a resistance band and hand weights.
Muscular endurance for the upper body is required in your daily life when doing tasks that use the upper body for prolonged periods (eg. carrying shopping bags) and is also good for your posture.
Again… If you’re a beginner to these exercises, start with the first set and do what you can. Over time keep challenging yourself to do a little more. Gradual progressions!
So let’s get moving!
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Leg Endurance Exercises For Seniors
In this video, we go through an intermediate leg endurance exercise video working the legs to improve your strength.
Improve Leg Endurance Exercises (Intermediate Level)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for a new Strength Saturday Exercise Session (#6). Where we work the endurance of our legs!
Today we are not only going to work our strength, but we are going to focus more so on our muscular endurance!
In case you have forgotten, Muscular strength is the amount of weight you can lift or move.
Muscular endurance is how many times you can move or lift that weight, before you get exhausted.
Muscular endurance is important in your day to day life, to move and to lift things. Think about when you are to walk up a large flight of stairs, or go on a large walk (especially with hills). Your muscular endurance is being tested.
As with any component of fitness, muscular endurance can be trained and improved…. at any age.
Which is what we do today. Today’s exercise video we do higher repetitions and use equipment to work that muscular endurance (and strength).
So let’s get moving!
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Seated Strength Workout For Seniors
In this video, we go through a 15 minute seated strength exercise video working the whole body to improve your strength and range of movement.
Full Strength Workout For Seniors (15 Minutes - Seated - Equipment)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for Strength Saturday Exercise Session # 5. This session is completely seated using weights, ankle weights, and a resistance band working the whole body.
And, on this Saturday (and always), I want you to remember that we all have a tendency to overestimate others and underestimate ourselves……. You’re better than you think!
So let’s get moving with today’s workout!
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Beginner Seated Resistance Band Exercises For Seniors
In this video, we go through a beginner seated exercise video working the whole body to improve your strength and range of movement.
10-Minute Seated Resistance Band Exercises For Seniors (Beginner)
I’m sure you know the importance of having good physical strength.
There are many benefits that come from being stronger but to summarise, when you have good strength, life is going to be much easier.
And…… you can get stronger at ANY age, by training your strength.
Strength is the most important component of fitness you can work on. When you train to get stronger you will find other areas of your fitness improving also. For example, improved cardiovascular fitness, improved balance, coordination, weight loss and more.
This is why I started Strength Saturday. To dedicate a whole day to strengthening exercises, so workouts can be varied, and many areas can be targeted.
So let’s get moving with today’s workout!
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Advanced Strengthening Exercises For Seniors
In this video, we go through an advanced strength exercise video working the whole body to improve your strength and range of movement.
10-Minute Strength Workout For Seniors (Advanced)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for another Saturday exercise session to get you stronger. (Strength Saturday No.3). This session is more advanced level.
When your body is stronger, life will be easier. Improve your strength each week with hand weights, resistance bands, and ankle weights.
Remember there is never a one-size-fits-all approach to exercise (and for getting healthy for that matter).
However, to make improvements with exercise, there is a process. Tonight I just wanted to remind you of that process.
The first step is finding where you are currently at.
I see and hear from a lot of people who get disheartened when they can’t do certain exercises, or they feel as if everyone else is doing so well and they’re not……..
But this does not matter. Forget all this and Find YOUR capabilities.
Once you’ve done this, you want to stay consistent exercising at your level. Soon enough the exercises will become easy as you get stronger and fitter.
It’s now time to progress the exercises so you continue to make improvements, as you have now reached a new level.
There are many ways you can progress exercise. From increasing repetitions, increasing sets, increasing the weight, decreasing the rest time, increasing time exercising and more. Slow and steady. You’re in no rush.
There are also ways to modify the exercises to make them less challenging if they are too difficult. Sometimes we need to take a step or two back before we can move forward.
So let’s get moving with today’s workout!
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Strengthening Exercises Using Ankle Weights For Seniors
In this video, we go through a simple ankle weights exercise video working the whole body to improve your strength and range of movement.
Getting stronger with ankle weights (15 Min)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this Strength Saturday exercise session using ankle weights.
I know you may not own ankle weights, but if you do have them this is one for you.. If you don’t own any. That’s ok! You can also follow along without them.
If you want to purchase ankle weights, start lighter work your way up, over time
Make sure to let me know how you went with the exercises, on YouTube below the video (I read all comments).
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Intermediate Strength Exercises with Weights - 15 Min
In this video, we go through a simple exercise video working the whole body to mprove your strength and range of movement.
strength exercises with weights for seniors (15 Min)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for the first Strength Saturday exercises to get your body stronger. This session is of intermediate level.
If you’re new to using weights start with lighter weights (0.5kg to 2kg) and slowly build it up as you get stronger. Remember to go at your own pace and give yourself adequate rest also.
As always, let me know how you went in the comments below the video.
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
The Minimum Exercise To Maintain Body Strength
In this video, we go through a simple exercise video working the whole body to mprove your strength and range of movement.
Simple Whole Body Exercise Routine - Exercises To Maintain Strength and Get Stronger For Seniors
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this simple exercise video working the whole body. Improve your strength and range of movement.
There are going to be times you will have trouble finding the motivation to do exercise. It is still important to do some exercise to maintain levels of strength. This video makes it easy for you to do that.
You also get to work on your upper body working the arms, shoulders, upper back, and chest. Improve your strength and range of movement.
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Exercises For Stronger Bones (& Muscles) For Seniors - Beginner
In this video, we go through beginner level exercises to help you strengthen your bones (and muscles).
Stronger Bones and Muscles
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for some beginner exercises to help strengthen your bones (and muscles).
Make sure to warm-up. Warm-up videos:
For more on strengthening your bones make sure to read THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO STRONG BONES OVER 60:
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Exercises For Stronger Bones (& Muscles) For Seniors - Intermediate Level
In this video, we go through intermediate level exercises to help you strengthen your bones (and muscles).
Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for some exercises to help strengthen your bones (and muscles).
Make sure to warm-up. Warm-up videos:
For more on strengthening your bones make sure to read THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO STRONG BONES OVER 60:
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Upper Body Exercises for Seniors | Arm, Shoulder and Back Exercises For Seniors | More Life Health
In this video, we work the arms, shoulders, upper back and chest, assisting you in improving your strength and range of movement.
Upper Body Exercises For Seniors
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this upper body exercise video working the arms, shoulders, upper back and chest. Improve your strength and range of movement.
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Full Body Workout For Seniors - 60 Minutes (Seated & Standing)
Get stronger, fitter, improve your balance, flexibility and more with this 60-minute, full seated and standing workout for seniors, working every area of the body.
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this 60 minute - seated and standing workout for seniors covering everything you need to get stronger, fitter, improve your balance, flexibility and more!
We get straight into it again today and cover the following:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Full Standing Workout For Seniors - 60 Minutes, Intermediate
Get stronger, fitter, improve your balance, flexibility and more with this 60-minute, intermediate, full standing workout for seniors, working every area of the body.
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this 60 minute - intermediate, standing workout for seniors covering everything you need to get stronger, fitter, improve your balance, flexibility and more!
In this Workout we cover:
You can use light hand weights or ankle weights with these exercises.
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Whole Body Seated Exercises For Seniors - 55 Minutes, Beginner - Exercise Every Area Your Body
Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness, move better and feel better with this 55-minute, seated, full chair workout for seniors, working every area of the body.
Today’s workout is one that I feel is the best completely seated exercise video I have put together to date (without equipment).
Why do I think this? Because it is the most comprehensive, covering almost every exercise one can do whilst seated in a chair.
We cover the following:
Warm Up
Neck Exercises
Shoulder Exercises
Upper Back Exercises
Arm Exercises
Core Exercises
Hip Exercises
Knee Exercises
Stretches for the Whole Body
As you can see, ALL areas of the body are targeted. It is also the longest we have done to date, going for just under 1 hour.
If you are new to exercise this is the video to start at.
If you can only only do exercise whilst seated, this is the one to start at.
If you’re in charge of a class where everyone has different capabilities, this is the video to put on.
If someone you know is losing strength and mobility, this is the one for them to start at. (Make sure to share it with them).
It’s the ultimate seated workout.
And… If you have been exercising for some time, you can do the exercises standing and/or add in hand weights or ankle weights to make it more challenging.
To get moving with me click the video below.
If 55-minutes is too long for you, I have also uploaded a 35-minute version which covers the main exercises. You can find this here.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout!
Full Chair Workout For Seniors (Seated) - 35 Minutes - Exercise Every Area of Your Body
Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness, move better and feel better with this 35-minute, seated, full chair workout for seniors, working every area of the body.
Seniors’ 35-minute Chair Workout - Chair Exercises For Seniors - Get stronger over 60
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this workout covering exercises for every area of your body.
It is a seated beginner workout, it’s a gentle workout, great if you have limited mobility or at risk of falling with standing exercises and a perfect exercise program to get you started with exercise.
Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness. Move better, feel better.
This session goes for 35 minutes.
In this workout we cover the following chair exercises for seniors:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
For more exercise videos, including standing exercise videos, click HERE.
- Mike
Full Workout With Stretch Band For Seniors | 40 Minutes | Intermediate
Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness, move better and feel better with this intermediate level, full workout for seniors using resistance bands!
Seniors’ Resistance Band Workout - Get Stronger Over 60
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this full workout using a resistance stretch band. Again we get straight into it today!
To order the resistance band used in this video, click here.
Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness. Move better, feel better. This session goes for 35 minutes.
In this Workout we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike