Full Chair Workout For Seniors (Seated) - 35 Minutes - Exercise Every Area of Your Body

Seniors’ 35-minute Chair Workout - Chair Exercises For Seniors - Get stronger over 60

Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this workout covering exercises for every area of your body.

It is a seated beginner workout, it’s a gentle workout, great if you have limited mobility or at risk of falling with standing exercises and a perfect exercise program to get you started with exercise.

Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness. Move better, feel better.

This session goes for 35 minutes.

In this workout we cover the following chair exercises for seniors:

  1. Neck Exercises

  2. Shoulder Exercises

  3. Upper Back Exercises

  4. Arm Exercises

  5. Core Exercises

  6. Hip Exercises

  7. Knee Exercises

  8. Relaxation

Do your best and any questions ask below!

For more exercise videos, including standing exercise videos, click HERE.

- Mike


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