Beginner Seated Resistance Band Exercises For Seniors

10-Minute Seated Resistance Band Exercises For Seniors (Beginner)

I’m sure you know the importance of having good physical strength.

There are many benefits that come from being stronger but to summarise, when you have good strength, life is going to be much easier.

And…… you can get stronger at ANY age, by training your strength.

Strength is the most important component of fitness you can work on. When you train to get stronger you will find other areas of your fitness improving also. For example, improved cardiovascular fitness, improved balance, coordination, weight loss and more.

This is why I started Strength Saturday. To dedicate a whole day to strengthening exercises, so workouts can be varied, and many areas can be targeted.

So let’s get moving with today’s workout!

In this video we cover:

  1. Intro

  2. Strength Exercise Begins

  3. Exercise End

Do your best and any questions ask below!

- Mike


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