Full Workout To Improve Muscular Endurance For Seniors

Improve Muscular Endurance (Intermediate Level) - with weights

Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this full endurance workout. We get straight into it today!

I have added the upper-body and lower-body endurance exercises together with a warm-up and cool down - This video uses hand weights and a resistance band and we do higher reps for a little more intensity. Make sure to start with lighter weights for this video. If new to weights I would not recommend starting here, start at my introduction to weights exercise video.

Get stronger, improve your muscular endurance and fitness. Move better, feel better. This session goes for 35 minutes.

So let’s get moving!

In this video we cover:

  1. Warm-Up

  2. Upper Body Endurance Exercises

  3. Lower Body Endurance Exercises

  4. Cool Down

  5. Outro

Do your best and any questions ask below!

- Mike


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