
Better Breathing: Improving The Health of Your Lungs Over 60

Better Breathing: Improving The Health of Your Lungs Over 60

Healthy lungs are essential for optimal functioning through all stages of life, but, just like all areas of the body, our lungs are not immune to changes as we get older.

However, when we get a better understanding of our lungs and our respiratory system and what can happen through the years, we can take charge of our health and do what’s necessary to improve the health of our lungs.

There are many things that you can be doing right now to improve your lung health.

So today, we will do exactly that! We are going to go through everything you need to improve the health of your lungs!

The Complete Guide To Strong Bones Over 60 [Part 3]

The Complete Guide To Strong Bones Over 60 [Part 3]

I often get asked what exercises to do for stronger bones.

In this part, we will be covering all about exercise for strong bones. We will take a look at the best type of exercise for stronger bones, with evidence and recommended amounts of exercises

We will also finish off with some exercises (both pictures and videos) you can do, in your home to help promote bone and muscle strength.

The Complete Guide To Strong Bones Over 60 [Part 2]

The Complete Guide To Strong Bones Over 60 [Part 2]

Loss of bone strength is NEVER due to aging alone! There are always other factors beyond age contributing to weaker bones, which you take control over.]

In this part (part 2), we will cover factors that may be putting you at risk, what factors to do more of (or start doing) to improve your bone health, and we will cover nutrition in detail, which, as you'd know, is so important in good bone health.

The Complete Guide To Strong Bones Over 60 [Part 1]

The Complete Guide To Strong Bones Over 60 [Part 1]

To find out the structures of your body that hold you up, help you to move and to go about your daily activities are failing, and potentially going to get progressively worse over time, can be quite unsettling to say the least.

Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis; maybe you’ve had fractures yourself, or maybe you want to make sure you’re doing all that you can to keep your bones at their strongest, which everyone should be doing.

In this article, we are going to be covering everything you need to know for healthiest bones.

How Heavy Should Weights be For Seniors? (Strength Training)

How Heavy Should Weights be For Seniors? (Strength Training)

You have most probably heard me say before that sooner or later it’s a good idea to add in resistance to your exercises in some form (whether weights or a resistance band). This is so you continue to challenge yourself and get further strength gains. When you’re stronger, you’re going to notice a big difference.

A question I often get asked is “how heavy should my weights be?

This is a question I cannot give a direct answer to. Everyone has different capabilities, however, this is what you should do:

Easing Peripheral Neuropathy

Easing Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects and damages the nerves of the peripheral nervous system, causing them to malfunction.
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may range from mild to severe, depending on the type of the affected nerves, as well as the gravity of the damage.

Sometimes, the symptoms occur suddenly, but in most cases, the symptoms develop gradually over a longer period.

Inspiring Seniors Health Stories: David’s Story - Avoiding Diabetes - Pre-Diabetic No More

Today I wanted to share with you an email I received from a reader/viewer, David.

David shares how with after his doctor telling him he is borderline diabetic he took charge of his health and fitness and is no longer a pre-diabetic: Enjoy!

“Thanks Mike for forwarding this new exercise program. I have included it in my list of favourites and I shall try it shortly. I already have quite a substantial list of your programs. I use a lot of them on a weekly basis, and I admit that I have quite benefited from many of them. I try to target the ones that help me the most.

I am now 80 years young. Several months ago, my doctor advised me that I had become a borderline diabetic. I was in shock because I had always been in relatively good shape for most of my life. I was blindsided by atrial fibrillations in my mid fifties. The condition was brought under control with meds for a time. I eventually had to be fitted with a pacemaker. that was implanted in 2013. This was a very welcomed procedure, as it then allowed me to resume almost normal daily activities.

When my doctor warned me about the possible nasty effects of full-blown diabetes, he added that with proper "behavior" I could stop it's onset. I told him to be blunt by suggesting a life change that would prevent the necessity of being on meds. Well, he was blunt. He said that I must make a serious effort to reduce my sugar intake, and to get off my "butt", and start doing some serious exercising to reduce my weight and keep it under control.

I started researching the web to find suitable exercises, only to discover that most programs were aimed at body builders. At my age, I had no intention of pursuing programs to develop the "body beautiful". I then stumbled on your site, and immediately started to get serious about becoming healthier so as not to disappoint my doctor. I also embarked on a walking program. Within a few weeks, I was able to walk up to 10 or 12 kilometers per day for five days per week on trails that consisted of hills and stairways. After 6 months my weight had decreased from 172lbs to 150. Subsequent tests revealed that my pre diabetic condition had disappeared.

Thank you, Mike, for helping me save my "butt". I have recommended your programs to some of my "elderly" friends who have found them quite beneficial.

Aside from physical activities, I have also embarked on "mind" stretching programs, to improve mental alertness. I am fluent in French (my mother tongue) and English, and I am starting to learn a third language. I have opted for Italian as it is very close to the French language. I remember a bit of German that I learned in my youth, and some Latin. I have always been an avid reader. I still read both French and English books for two to three hours per day. The reason I mention this, is that mental and physical alertness should go hand in hand.

Thanks again Mike. You have been most helpful.



The Over 60s Guide To The Pelvic Floor & How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

The Over 60s Guide To The Pelvic Floor & How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Disorders of the pelvic floor, for both women and men, can range from pain, to more embarrassing issues such as inability to control the bladder and/or the bowel (known as incontinence).

Pelvic floor problems do become more common with ageing, however, just like many other problems (such as loss of balance, loss of strength, or falls) pelvic floor issues are also NOT a normal part of ageing.

There are many simple things that can be done to avoid any issues and keep your pelvic floor functioning at its best.

Everything You Need To Know About Hypertension!

Everything You Need To Know About Hypertension!

High blood pressure (aka hypertension) is highly prevalent in today’s society.

According to the WHO, it is estimated 1.13 billion people worldwide are affected by this condition. More specifically, during 2015 – 2016, the prevalence of hypertension was 29%, with this number increasing to 63.1% in those 60 and over.

Fortunately, this condition CAN be successfully treated and also prevented.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about blood pressure and what you can do about it, including - what blood pressure is and the dangers and risk factors associated with it.

We will also look at some simple ways to check your blood pressure (and how to), we’ll cover the medical treatments available and go into depth on the natural ways to not only help bring your blood pressure down to healthy levels but will also help improve your overall health!

How to Care For Your Eyes After 60

How to Care For Your Eyes After 60

It’s been a long time coming since I had the idea to write an article on the eyes. After all, vision changes and vision loss are one of the many problems we encounter as we get older.

Although we understand perfectly well that these issues are a natural part of ageing, it can be frustrating having to deal with vision loss. For example, not being able to read small text, like you once could.

Now at this stage. You may be thinking. “But Mike, you’re a Physiotherapist what do you know about the eyes?

And well, yes, this is true! But I do know health and I do know exercise.. And, fortunately I also have a Sister, Lexie (who you have seen floating around in the More Life Health Facebook Community), who just so happens to be an Orthoptist.

So with our powers combined, we bring you this guide to caring for the eyes after 60.

Senior-Friendly Quadriceps Stretches for Enhanced Mobility and Balance

How To Stretch the Quadriceps - Although stretching out the quadriceps seems like a fairly straightforward way to ensure muscle tightness does not develop in this area, the quadriceps can be difficult to stretch. This is due to having to bring the knee up and balance with one leg, which can be an issue if mobility issues are present in the knee or shoulder, or balance issues are present.

To make stretching out the quadriceps a little easier, here are 4 simple and effective stretches that you can do to get a good stretch in your quadricep muscles.

Supporting Your Immune System For Seniors

Supporting Your Immune System For Seniors

I’m sure you all have coronavirus on your mind and the uncertainty of it all can be unsettling!

The best thing to do is to remain calm and focus on what can be done to keep in good health and protect from any virus best you can.

I’m not talking about rushing out and stocking up on gloves, hand sanitiser and……. toilet paper!

Let’s keep the focus on keeping your immune system as strong as possible!

Overcoming Pain - Empty Your Cup

Overcoming Pain - Empty Your Cup

To be free of persistent, or CHRONIC PAIN (which is pain lasting longer than 6-12 weeks) start with the understanding that medical imaging (i.e. X-Ray, MRI, or Ultrasound) is not going to diagnose the cause of the pain.

Unlike ACUTE PAIN, where the pain can clearly be identified on a scan (e.g. a broken bone, a ligament tear or a dislocation), for CHRONIC PAIN, a scan can only identify ‘abnormalities’ in the area of the pain.

These ‘abnormalities’ are NOT the cause of persistent pain.

Healthy Eating For Seniors: How To Begin Eating Healthy - The First Step [Part 2]

Healthy Eating For Seniors:  How To Begin Eating Healthy - The First Step [Part 2]

In the first article (click to see part 1) we covered cutting out refined vegetable oils as the first step to improve your health through healthy eating.

The next food to cut out on your journey to being the healthiest you can be is.... any processed foods!

Now you most probably have heard this message before that processed food is no good for your health. But, you may be a little confused about it all.

So let’s get started clearing up what processed food is, and why you should be cutting it out of your diet.

Healthy Eating For Seniors: How To Begin Eating Healthy - The First Step [Part 1]

Healthy Eating For Seniors:  How To Begin Eating Healthy - The First Step [Part 1]

What goes into our mouth is just as important (and sometimes more important) than the exercise we do for health, and achieving fitness goals.

When eating healthy, often you'll see certain health symptoms decrease and even disappear….. 

This, amongst other benefits such as more energy, looking better, feeling better, improved sleep, weight loss, toned muscles, better balance, greater strength.

It is something you want to get right to thrive!

However, nutrition can often be an overlooked area (and not to mention a very confusing area).