peripheral neuropathy pain

Ease Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms In Hands and Arms | Peripheral Neuropathy Exercise Routine

Ease Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms In Hands and Arms | Peripheral Neuropathy Exercise Routine

In this video, we go through some exercises and more to help relieve pain and symptoms in the hands and arms caused by peripheral neuropathy.

Ease Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms In Feet and Legs | Peripheral Neuropathy Exercise Routine

Ease Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms In Feet and Legs | Peripheral Neuropathy Exercise Routine

In this video, we go through some exercises and more to help relieve pain and symptoms in the feet and legs caused by peripheral neuropathy.

Easing Peripheral Neuropathy

Easing Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects and damages the nerves of the peripheral nervous system, causing them to malfunction.
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may range from mild to severe, depending on the type of the affected nerves, as well as the gravity of the damage.

Sometimes, the symptoms occur suddenly, but in most cases, the symptoms develop gradually over a longer period.