Ease Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms In Hands and Arms | Peripheral Neuropathy Exercise Routine

Peripheral Neuropathy Exercises For the Hands & Arms

Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for some exercises and more to help relieve pain and symptoms caused by peripheral neuropathy in the arms and hands.

This exercise video does not have to be done all at once. Learn what is contained within and go at your own pace, gradually building up the exercise. Use this video to help give relief from your symptoms and improve your upper body strength and mobility (important when dealing with peripheral neuropathy).

In this video we cover:

  1. Intro

  2. Mobility Exercises To Help With Peripheral Neuropathy

  3. Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Exercises For Peripheral Neuropathy

  4. Finger and Hand Exercises For Peripheral Neuropathy

  5. Arm Stretches To Help Peripheral Neuropathy

  6. Desensitisation/Self Massage

  7. Relaxation

  8. Outro

For Peripheral Neuropathy Exercises For the Feet & Legs, click here.

Do your best and any questions ask below!

- Mike


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