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Supporting Your Immune System For Seniors
I’m sure you all have coronavirus on your mind and the uncertainty of it all can be unsettling!
The best thing to do is to remain calm and focus on what can be done to keep in good health and protect from any virus best you can.
I’m not talking about rushing out and stocking up on gloves, hand sanitiser and……. toilet paper!
Let’s keep the focus on keeping your immune system as strong as possible!
Coronavirus is on all of our minds and the uncertainty of it all can be unsettling!
The best thing to do is to remain calm and focus on what can be done to stay in good health and protect yourself from this virus (or any virus) best you can.
I’m not talking about rushing out and stocking up on gloves, hand sanitiser and……. toilet paper!
Let’s keep the focus on the basics - keeping your immune system as strong as possible!
If you’ve been following my previous articles, you’d see the steps I outline in this article aren’t too different to the ones for good health. Because with good health, comes a stronger immune system.
Here are 5 things you can start doing now, to support your immune system!
You most probably know by now that I am big on this one.
I would even put decreasing stress before exercise for keeping healthy.
When you’re feeling good, feeling happy and feeling stress-free, life is easier.
Stress weakens our immune system and greatly decreases our health.
If you’re angry, unhappy, frustrated, or have any other negative feelings flowing through your body - you’re in a poorer state than if you were happy, joyous, and calm.
It’s natural to worry, but do your best to not stay with these feelings and emotions for long.
Listen to music, watch a movie, go for a walk, read a book, get into the garden, have a hot bath, meditate, practice mindfulness, talk to a friend, get into nature.
Do more of whatever it is that you enjoy and makes you feel happy and stress-free.
Also, I strongly suggest limiting what you see and hear in the media as to what’s going on in the world.
Watching and reading too much about what’s going on can leave us in a state of fear, depression and helplessness amongst other negative feelings.
Be informed, but try not to bathe in the doom and gloom.
I recommend reading and watching something more light-hearted which make you feel good instead.
This, in my opinion, is one of the best steps you can take to improve your health.
Spend less time sitting down and get up and get everything moving!
Do an exercise video. You can choose from many of my exercise videos here.
Go for a walk.
Or, do an activity or other exercise you enjoy!
Movement is medicine. Keep moving, everyday!
Sleep is so, so important for good health.
Get good quality and quantity of sleep. Try and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night!
I am sure there are some steps you can do right now to improve your sleep.
Have a think about what you can be doing to get a better sleep from tonight?
Cut out screens an hour or two before bed?
Take a hot bath before bed?
New pillows?
New mattress?
Sunlight during the day?
Quieter room?
Better room temperature?
There are many things you can do! Invest in your sleep!
For more on getting a good night’s sleep, click here.
Along with getting vitamin D (discussed below), getting out in the sun makes us feel good. Sunlight is good for our health.
Aim for at least 20 minutes daily, gradually building up to this if required and avoid the hottest part of the day. Don’t overdo your time in the sun, however!
Limit unhealthy food. (For more on this click here).
Eat more nutrient-dense, healthy food.
Ensure you are getting adequate calories each day.
And, add foods in that support your immune system.
Here are some great immune supporting foods:
The best way to get adequate vitamin C is by eating a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables throughout your week.
Vitamin C rich foods include: citrus fruits (oranges, lemons and limes), guava and other tropical fruits, kiwi fruit, capsicums, berries, leafy greens.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in our immune function.
There are 2 types of vitamin A - preformed vitamin A (retinol) and provitamin A (carotenoids).
Preformed Vitamin A (retinol) is only found in animal sources with the best sources being liver, oily fish, egg yolks, cheese and butter.
Provitamin A (Carotenoids) is found in plant foods as beta-carotene and alpha-carotene.
Best sources of provitamin A (carotenoids) include sweet potato, squash, carrots, kale and other leafy greens. Your body must convert carotenoids into retinol (vitamin A).
Not everyone can convert carotenoids into vitamin A (retinol), a balanced diet including the animal sources above will negate this issue.
Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin which also plays an essential role in immune function.
The best source of vitamin D is the sun, so try and get some sunlight daily.
Along with the sun, vitamin D is found in certain foods. Food sources of vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolks and mushrooms.
There are also foods fortified with vitamin D (For example - milk, cereal and orange juice), however, I recommend sticking to natural sources of vitamin D.
Eating boney soups or swapping your tea or coffee for a cup of bone broth could do great things in keeping you healthy, and your immune system strong.
Bones are the best food source of collagen and contain many other vitamins and minerals including calcium, B vitamins ,vitamin C, D, K, iron, and magnesium.
For a bone broth recipe and to find out more on the benefits, click here.
There are a large variety of shellfish to choose from including oysters, mussels, scallops, prawns (shrimp), crayfish and crab.
Shellfish are rich in nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin B- 12 - all which support immune function.
Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food.
Eating shellfish once a week is adequate to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals for good health and a stronger immune system.
When feeling unwell with a cold or flu there are good reasons why many go to a drink of hot tea or water with honey.
Rather than waiting until you get sick, why not make raw honey your sweetener of choice.
Raw honey is rich in antioxidants, contains many vitamins and minerals and has potent antibiotic activities. [1]
Keep in mind, most honey found on supermarket shelves has gone through a heating process which destroys the nutrients available. Choose the honey labelled “Raw Honey”.
Garlic and ginger are also commonly seen as a remedy in times of sickness. Again for good reason.
Ginger and garlic have antibacterial and antioxidant effects which can help fight off viruses and boost the immune system. [2, 3]
Do your best to include more of these steps above in your life to help support your immune system and help protect yourself from viruses.
Most of all remain calm. You will be ok!
How are you feeling about the COVID virus? Which of the above can you improve to help support your immune system?