More Life Health Blog - Discussing Seniors' Exercise, Health, Fitness, & More!
Keeping Up Your Exercise
Exercise and movement is medicine. Medicine that should be undertaken consistently each week (preferably daily in some way) to get the benefits and keep the benefits.
Getting started with exercise or another new habit is usually relatively easy. However, when motivation wanes or something comfortable tempts us, it can be challenging to override this in the moment and stick to what we had originally planned.
Our minds will find ways to justify why we don’t have to exercise. We miss a session, and then one missed session turns into two missed sessions, then maybe three or four. And then more. Until it gets to “I haven’t exercised for a while”.
Welcome to 2023! The first article of the year from me.
I hope you had a good Christmas if you were celebrating, and a good New Year. I definitely did!
I’m a week late on this article, I did sit down to write something to help get your year off to a good start last week. However, nothing I wrote I felt was worthy of sharing.
So I turned my laptop off and now, a week later, here I am again trying to think of something good to write that will help KEEP you moving this year.
I put the “KEEP” in capitals because this is the most challenging part when it comes to exercise and other healthy habits. I want you to be exercising throughout the year and for many years to come.
Exercise and movement is medicine. Medicine that should be undertaken consistently each week (preferably daily in some way) to get the benefits and keep the benefits.
Getting started with exercise or another new habit is usually relatively easy. However, when motivation wanes or something comfortable tempts us, it can be challenging to override this in the moment and stick to what we had originally planned.
Our minds will find ways to justify why we don’t have to exercise. We miss a session, and then one missed session turns into two missed sessions, then maybe three or four. And then more. Until it gets to “I haven’t exercised for a while”.
Unfortunately, if we don’t keep up our exercise, we eventually start losing what we’ve gained.
There will always be times when motivation dips or something unexpected gets in the way. So we want to ensure we have some ways to deal with these times that we don’t feel like exercising.
Here are some steps you can take:
COMMIT to exercise.
Unless there is good reason not to, commit to some exercise or movement at least three times each week.
Remember “WHY”.
Everyone has different reasons as to exactly why they’re exercising. You will have your specific reasons also. Think of these reasons, and think about how you will feel after making progress with your exercise versus if you don’t exercise. Remember, when you exercise today, your future self will thank you.
If you’re demotivated to exercise, start by just taking steps to show up to the exercise.
For example — put on an exercise video and sit in front of it. Once you’ve done this, there’s a high chance you’ll start following along.
Or, if you know you should go for a walk, just put your exercise clothes on and tie up your walking shoes. Now start taking steps out the door. When you’ve done this, you’re likely going to keep walking.
After some time into it, you’ll most probably find it’s not so bad. And when done, you’ll feel better after.
You don’t have to go all out. Start small, make it easy, have fun with it. Even if it’s not the best session, that’s ok! Don’t beat yourself up. Aim to do better next time.
Get back to it the next day or the day after, and do your best to improve on your last session (it’s ok if you don’t improve, and even if it’s a slight improvement, that’s great!).
So there are four steps you can follow when you feel your motivation slipping.
I do the same when I don’t feel like exercising. I still make sure I get to the gym. I start with exercises I enjoy and gradually build on this during the session. Most of the time, after some time of the exercise, I get into it. If it’s not a good session, I know I will get back to it tomorrow or the next day. So it’s ok!
I also did the same for my writing last week. Every cell in my body did not want to write, but I know this resistance is normal, So I committed, sat down in front of my laptop and wrote. What I wrote last week was no good, but here I am back to it.
You may have tips to stay consistent with your exercise or other habits. If so, I’d love to hear them. You can let me know by placing a comment below..
I look forward to hearing about your progress with your health and exercising throughout the year.
If you don’t know how, or where to start, create a plan with the exercise videos here.
You can create a playlist of your favourite exercise videos by following this link here.
And if you’re stuck or have questions, join the More Life Health Facebook Support Group (click to join), which is an amazing, supportive group.
I will be writing an email each week to help you on your health and fitness journey. So I will see you again next week! Make sure you’re signed up to the mailing list, you can do so here morelifehealth.com/join …. And more exercise videos to come.
Looking forward to a happy, healthy and exercise-filled year with you!
2023 is going to be a great year!
Stay moving!
- Mike