Fitter in 5 - Posture Exercises For Seniors (5-Minutes)


Maintaining good posture is important for many reasons.

Not only will it help decrease, and avoid pain, it will also improve how you look and feel amongst other benefits.

Day in, day out we spend much of our time doing tasks that are at the front of the body, such as sitting on the computer, working at desks, reading, ironing, gardening, cooking and so on.

Well.... I shouldn't include myself in the ironing category.... But I do do the others. :)

When doing many of these tasks that put our body in positions that are not so good for our posture, over time, posture changes.

This is also why it's important to be doing exercises that stretch and strengthen the right areas, to prevent bad posture and even improve it.

So, let's do this, click on the video below, (or here) to begin improving your posture.

Along with these exercises, it's also a great idea to continually have awareness of your posture throughout the day.

To do this learn the steps below and put them into action as much as you can.

Check Your Posture - Simple Posture Correction:
1) Sitting up in a chair or standing.
2) Up nice and tall.
3) Bring your shoulders up, back and down.
4) Keep your head up, your core tight and tuck your chin in.

No slouching! (I'm sure you've heard me say this enough). :)

Enjoy and..

Have Fun and Keep Moving!

I'll see you tomorrow!

- Mike
