Single-Leg Strength Exercises for Stronger Legs, Core & Better Balance. (More Challenging Routine)

Single-Leg Strength Exercises for seniors - stronger legs, core & better balance

Performing single-leg exercises can help pinpoint any muscle imbalances, whilst strengthening those legs, your core whilst also working your balance.

It's not uncommon to have muscle imbalances between sides, however, this can lead to further issues, such as pain and difficulties with movement.

Having muscle imbalances could be from a variety of reasons. A common reason is from a past injury that didn't receive proper rehabilitation, or pain in one side leading to less use of the painful side.

You may have equal strength on both sides, however, it is also a good idea to incorporate some single-leg exercises into your exercise routine to ensure both legs are equally strong.

This will ensure tasks like walking up stairs or curbs are always simple! :)

In this video, I introduce you to a single-leg strengthening exercise routine to help get your legs stronger (equally)!

Do your best and always be progressing!

For the warm up video:

Standing Warm-Up:

Do your best and ask any questions ask below!

- Mike