Test Your Own Balance: The First Step To Improving Your Balance


I'm sure you know that as we get older, our balance can decrease, and you may find yourself becoming more unsteady on your feet.

The good news is balance is a skill that can be re-trained at any age.

The first step to improving your balance is knowing where you are at with it.

Once you know just how good (or not so good) your balance is, you can go about improving it.

Now let’s test your balance!

To test your balance click the video below, or here.

If you want to track your progress, click below for a form that you can print off and record your results on.

If you do find you need to work on your balance, keep the record of your results, get practising with the balance videos, stay consistent and check back into this video in a month..... And enjoy having improved balance.

If you find you can do these tests quite easy.. Great work.. But don't get complacent... Keep Moving! :)

For more on balance, you can click here.

And I'll see you next time,  

Until then...

Keep Moving, Keep Healthy and Keep Having Fun!

 - Mike