More Life Health - Seniors Health & Fitness

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This week we will be working the lower back.

Understanding Lower Back Pain in Seniors

These exercise videos helps stretch and strengthen muscles surrounding the lumbar spine, and will also help decrease lower back pain.

In the first video, the exercises are performed in a lying position, we also do some seated stretches, and a standing stretch.

If you have difficulty getting on and off the floor, the lying exercises can be performed on a firm bed or you can follow the second video, which is a completely seated exercise video.

Keep in mind, to overcome lower back pain, doing specific lower back exercises are only 1 part of the equation.

We also want to be improving our overall fitness, improving our strength in our core and also our whole body, improving our posture and eating healthy and decreasing stress. (You can find more in the pain articles).

Benefits of Lower Back Exercises for Older Adults

Let's chat about something super important – the benefits of lower back exercises for our beloved seniors. As we age, our bodies go through changes, and sometimes, our lower back whispers (or shouts) for a bit of extra care.

1. Wave Goodbye to Back Pain: Regular lower back exercises can be a game-changer in reducing pain. It’s like telling those annoying aches, “Nope, not today!”

2. Flexibility is the New Superpower: Remember when bending down felt like a Herculean task? These exercises help in regaining that superhero flexibility, making daily activities a breeze.

3. Strength for Days: Strengthening the lower back muscles is like building a solid foundation for your body. It’s all about being strong and sturdy, making you feel like you can take on the world (or at least lift that grocery bag without a wince).

4. Balance and Stability - Your New Best Friends: With great strength comes great stability. These exercises help improve balance, reducing the risk of falls, and keeping you as steady as a rock.

5. Boosting Your Overall Mojo: Exercise isn’t just about the physical benefits. It’s a mood lifter too! Engaging in regular exercise can keep you feeling positive, energetic, and ready to conquer the day.

Pre-Exercise Safety Tips

Before we jump into these fantastic exercises, let’s put on our safety hats. It’s crucial to ensure that you’re exercising in a way that’s safe and healthy for your body.

1. Chat with Your Doc: Always, always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine. They know your health history and can give you the green light to go ahead or suggest modifications.

2. Warm-Up is a Warm Hug for Your Muscles: Don’t dive into exercises cold turkey! A gentle warm-up is like telling your muscles, “Hey, we’re about to get moving, so let’s ease into it.”

3. Listen to Your Body – It’s Smarter Than You Think: If something hurts or feels off, stop and take a breather. Your body knows best, and pushing through pain is a big no-no.

4. Hydration Station: Water is your best friend before, during, and after exercising. Keep sipping and stay hydrated – it’s like giving your body a refreshing little spa.

5. Dress for Success: Wear comfortable clothing and supportive shoes. It’s all about feeling good and moving with ease.

6. Take it Slow: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is fitness. Start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises. It’s a marathon, not a sprint!


  • Exercise: 1: Prone Lumbar Extension (Bent Elbows) - 30 seconds

  • Exercise 2: Prone Lumbar Extension (Straight Elbows) - 30 seconds

  • Exercise 3: Cat Stretch - 20 seconds each position

  • Exercise 4: Glute to Floor Push - 30 seconds

  • Exercise 5: Glute Bridges x 10

  • Exercise 6: Glute Medius stretch - 30 seconds each side

  • Exercise 7: Hamstring stretch - 30 seconds each side

  • Exercise 8: Standing Lumbar extension - 30 seconds


  • Exercise: 1: Shoulder rolls x 10

  • Exercise 2: Spine Extension/Flexion Stretch x 2

  • Exercise 3: Side Bends x 2 each side

  • Exercise 4: Hamstring stretch - 30 seconds each sid

  • Exercise 5: Glute Medius stretch - 30 seconds each side

  • Exercise 6: Spinal Rotations x 5 each side

  • Exercise 7: Cat Stretch x 2 - 5 second holds

  • Exercise 8: Seated Lumbar extension - 30 seconds

Do your best with them, let me know how you go and ask any questions, any time! You can shoot me an email, or alternatively… Join the Facebook Community.

Stay Active! Stay Happy!

- Mike