
The Power Of Light: Getting The Right Light For Improved Health

The Power Of Light: Getting The Right Light For Improved Health

Natural light, especially sunlight, plays a vital role in our health.

Exposure to sunlight helps regulate our circadian rhythm, promoting a healthy sleep-wake cycle. It is also a natural source of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune function.

Moreover, the brightness and colour temperature of natural light influences our mood and overall mental well-being. Like other living organisms, our relationship with light is fundamental to our health and vitality.

On the other hand, with the rise of technology and the increase in screen time over the past decades, certain types of light emitted from these devices can impact our health.

In this article, we'll explore light's impact on our health, how light affects our moods, and how we can maximise the use of light to our benefit.

5 Simple Health Tips!

5 Simple Health Tips!

This morning I was thinking about what I could write to help motivate to get everyone moving more and to be healthier this week.

At the time, nothing much came to me.

But after opening my laptop and sitting down to write, I want to talk about what steps you, or anyone, can take right now to improve your health. And to improve how you are feeling right now.

I’ll keep it to my top 5 so this email isn’t too long. I have ordered these tips by what I feel you should start with first, that being……