MUSCLES STRETCHED: Cervical Spine (Neck). Levator Scapula. Upper Trapezius.

The levator scapula, an essential muscle in the upper back and neck, is integral for shoulder and neck movement and stability. Stretching the levator scapula muscle is key for a healthy, flexible neck and shoulders. This is especially important for those who sit a lot or do repetitive activities.

Older adults, in particular, may benefit from these stretches because they can preserve or improve their range of motion. With the correct technique and regular practice, you can safely add these stretches to your routine to keep your upper body flexible and pain-free.

Anatomy involved in the stretch

The levator scapula stretch primarily focuses on a muscle in the upper back and neck known as the levator scapula. This muscle starts from the top of the neck and stretches down to the shoulder blade. It is crucial for lifting the shoulders and helps turn and tilt the head.

When you do this stretch, it gently extends the levator scapula muscle. This action counteracts the tightness caused by daily habits. Long hours of sitting, computer work, or stress can tighten this muscle. These habits often lead to raised shoulders and a stiff neck. The stretch helps in reversing these effects. Stretching this muscle helps in making it more flexible and less tight.

The stretch also indirectly benefits nearby muscles and areas. It helps relax muscles around the upper back and neck, including those that assist in neck movement and shoulder support. Additionally, the stretch benefits the neck bones or cervical spine. It reduces stiffness and enhances neck movement.

This stretch primarily benefits older adults or those who might not move as much. It focuses on common discomfort and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. This aids in overall wellness, making these areas more flexible and functional.

Step-by-Step Guide to Levator Scapula Stretch

Now that you are in the correct sitting posture, it's time to move on to the detailed steps of the levator scapula stretch. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a safe and effective stretch:

  • Sitting up tall in your chair with your shoulders back and down.

  • Place the hand of the side you are stretching behind the shoulder to stabilise your shoulder blade. If unable to do this, just perform the exercise without placing one hand behind your shoulder.

flexibility levator scapula stretch
  • Turn your head to roughly 45 degrees to one side and bring your head down as if you are looking at your knee on that side. You will feel a stretch on the opposite side you are looking behind the neck and shoulder. (this muscle is known as Levator Scapular)

  • To increase the stretch, place your hand on the back of your head and apply gentle pressure.

levator scapula strech for flexibilty
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Benefits of Levator Scapula Stretch

Stretching the levator scapula muscle brings many benefits. It significantly improves neck and shoulder health. Let's explore the advantages of incorporating this stretch into your routine.

  1. Relief from Neck Tension and Pain: One of the primary benefits of the levator scapula stretch is its ability to alleviate neck tension and pain. When this muscle becomes tight and tense, it can cause discomfort and stiffness in the neck region. Regularly stretching the levator scapula helps release tension, improve blood flow, and lessen neck pain.

  2. Improved Neck and Shoulder Mobility: The levator scapula stretch enhances neck and shoulder flexibility. It's ideal for those who sit a lot or do straining activities. This stretch increases neck and shoulder movement range, leading to smoother, more comfortable motion.

  3. Enhancing Posture and Alignment: The levator scapula muscle plays a crucial role in maintaining proper posture and alignment of the neck and shoulders. When this muscle becomes tight, it can lead to postural imbalances and chronic pain. Regularly stretching the levator scapula helps promote proper alignment, reducing the risk of developing postural issues and enhancing overall posture.

  4. Benefits for Older adults: Older adults typically face reduced muscle flexibility and joint mobility due to aging. Adding levator scapula stretches to their daily routine can maintain or enhance their movement range. This helps them carry out everyday tasks more efficiently and lowers injury risks. Stretching the levator scapula muscle also eases stiffness and discomfort common in older age.

Tips for Safe and Effective Stretching

Warm-Up Exercises

Warming up your muscles before beginning a stretching routine is critical to avoid injury and make the stretches more effective. A short session of light cardio, like a brisk walk or a light jog, helps get blood flowing to your muscles, prepping them for stretching. Alternatively, try dynamic stretches like arm circles or shoulder rolls. These movements gently activate your neck and shoulder muscles, getting them ready for the stretching routine.

Understanding Your Limits

When stretching the levator scapula muscle, listening to your body and understanding your limits is crucial. Avoid pushing yourself too hard or forcing the stretch beyond what feels comfortable. Stretch to the point of mild tension, not pain. If you feel any sharp or intense pain, release the stretch immediately. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of the stretch over time as your flexibility improves.

When to Stretch: Timing and Routine

The timing and frequency of stretching can significantly affect its effectiveness. Stretching the levator scapula muscle when your body is warm, such as after a workout or a hot shower, is recommended. This helps increase blood flow to the muscles and enhances their flexibility. Incorporating daily stretching helps maintain flexibility and prevent tension. However, avoid stretching just before intense physical activities. This can weaken muscles and raise injury risks.

Incorporating Stretching into Daily Life

To make stretching a regular part of your daily life, find opportunities to incorporate it into your routine. For example, you can stretch your levator scapula muscle while sitting at your desk, watching TV, or before going to bed. Set reminders or create a stretching schedule to ensure consistency. Making stretching a habit will improve your flexibility, alleviate tension, and promote overall well-being.


In conclusion, adding the levator scapula stretch to your daily routine boosts neck and shoulder mobility. Remember to use the safe stretching tips mentioned earlier.

Make it a regular habit to maximise benefits. Try advanced versions and other stretches for variety and challenge. Mixing the levator scapula stretch with different neck and shoulder exercises helps release tension and encourage relaxation.

Use props like a foam roller or a wall for added support. However, be cautious if you have existing neck pain or medical conditions and consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

Prioritise safety and consult professionals for any history of injuries or chronic pain. Stretch regularly for improved flexibility, mobility, and well-being.