When Exercise Isn't Medicine


I know you know that exercise is medicine... And it is!

Exercise is essential to be healthy and to move well, and it can assist in many health conditions.

However, there are times exercise can do more harm than good, and it's my goal to make sure you're exercising and exercising safely to get the results you want and are doing this for many, many years to come.

When I get questions like "Hey Mike, what exercises are best for (insert painful area here)?"

I'll ask back a few questions to understand what's going on a little more, and it's clear the person has been overworking the area in some way, and more exercises won’t be helpful.

What's needed is a period of rest or lighter exercise to stop aggravating the area and to allow the body to heal.

I also commonly see people going all out with their exercise. They're under the impression that because exercise is healthy, more must be better, and they’re working themselves too hard.

The same goes for people who work a stressful or physical job and then, for example, each day do a heavy gym workout or go on a prolonged run on top of this......

And little thought usually gets put into recovery, sleep and getting adequate healthy calories to maintain healthily bodily function.

Yes, they may start looking better and be happy with their slimmer waist and new muscles, but it may be only a matter of time before something gives.

And we don't want this. We want the results without the issues…..

To do this, firstly, we must understand that when we undertake many types of exercise; we are stressing the body so it then adapts to become stronger, fitter, more flexible, moving better and so on due to the demands placed on it.

But as we are stressing the body, it’s important we do it correctly.

Here are some tips on how to exercise to get results without issues:

⁃ Start small, remain patient, and build on this. By doing this, you're building a strong foundation that will allow you to keep going.

⁃ If you feel you could be overdoing it, and if you're the type of person that finds it hard to slow down and do less…. Do your absolute best to pace yourself!

Remember, if something happens, you could be out of exercise for longer than if you paced yourself, which will be much harder.

⁃ If you've got pain and are most probably aggravating the area with activity/exercise, more exercise will not be the answer. Ease off the exercise. Stop aggravating the area. Allow the area to rest. And get it checked by your doctor or Physiotherapist.

You're on the right track when you notice your painful areas are feeling better after taking some time off. Don't push into pain.

⁃ If you're under high levels of mental stress and doing a lot of higher-intensity exercise, you may be burning the candles at both ends. Mental stress and physical stress equals compounded stress. They’re both taking a toll on your body.

Get your stress under control, have rest days, stretch, get massages, meditate or do more things that help you to relax.

⁃ Get your diet, sleep and recovery right. Have some time off.

⁃ Don't rush your exercises. Use good exercise technique. This is important; you'll also get better results when you do this.

By doing these steps, you will be exercising correctly and will see the benefits while minimising the risk of issues or injury.

Remember these tips and make sure you’re doing them.

If you're stuck, you can always ask your question in the More Life Health Facebook Group.

That’s it from me for now.

I will be seeing you soon with a new video. And more!

Remember, all exercise videos can be found categorised here.

Stay tuned for more!

Stay well!

And keep moving………. the right way!

⁃ Mike