An Introduction to Weights For Seniors

[Working Out With Weights - An Introduction For Seniors - (10 Minutes)]

There comes a point when exercising consistently that it's a good idea to add some form of resistance to your exercise program to continue to make progress.

Progress in the form of increased strength and other aspects of fitness which makes the activities of your daily life much easier.

Weights are not something to be feared!

In this video, I clear up some questions around the use of weights, AND we go through a simple seated workout with weights.

WORKOUT: Warm-Up: Seated Marching On the Spot

Exercise 1: Weighted Bicep Curls x 10

Exercise 2: Weighted Calf Raises x 10

Exercise 3: Weighted Sit To Stand x 3 (Work Up to 10)

Exercise 4: Weighted Triceps Extension x 10

Exercise 5: Weighted Upright Row x 10

Go grab yourself some weights and ENJOY this workout!

Do your best with it, let me know how you go, and ask any questions - any time!

Stay Active! Stay Happy!

- Mike


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