Arm Exercises For Toned Arms

Exercise For Stronger and Toned Arms For Seniors

A couple of years back I received an email saying something along the lines of: “Hey Mike, what exercises should I do to get rid of my bat wings?”.

My first thought… “what the hell are bat wings and why does this lady have them?” 🦇

It didn’t take me long to work it out. ‘Bat wings’ were the name given to the back of the upper arms when there is a build-up of fat, making them flabby.

This was the first time I had heard of this. I had heard of ‘tuck shop arms’ before, but never ‘bat wings’.

Since then, I’ve heard it many times.. Apparently another name for this area is ‘bingo wings’.

Anyway…. whatever you refer to this area as, whether you’re a man or a woman, we all want stronger and more toned arms.

There are some simple exercises you can do to build the muscle in your arms, which will lead to stronger and more toned arms……. helping get rid of those bat wings.

Which is exactly what we go through today. Click below (or HERE), for a 10-minute video to strengthen and tone your arms.

In this video we cover:

  1. Intro

  2. Exercise Begin

  3. Outro

When the exercises become too easy, you can increase the repetitions, or increase the weight of the hand weights you are using.

There is also an advanced exercise in this video, which is not for everyone but I give a modification if you can’t do it.

For another workout for toned arms. Click HERE.

- Mike


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