More Life Health Blog - Discussing Seniors' Exercise, Health, Fitness, & More!
Learning For a Sharper Mind & To Improve Memory!
It's Never Too Late To Learn Something New!
Remember this line, when you want to try something new and stop yourself!
“Everything that you can see happen in a young brain can happen in an older brain. The only requirement is that the person must have enough of the reward, or punishment, to keep paying attention through what might otherwise be a boring training session.” If so, the changes can be every bit as great as the changes in a newborn.“ ` Norman Doidge - The Brain that changes itself
importance of a sharp mind for seniors
It's Never Too Late To Learn Something New!
Remember this line, when you want to try something new and stop yourself!
I feel it’s very important to always be learning and trying new things, no matter your age!
Each year I always plan to try a new activity/skill and get reasonably good at it… My last was rock climbing, which you all know what happened with that :).. But I don’t plan to stop setting goals to try something new each year!!
Learning something truly new with good focus can keep your minds sharp.
It will allow you to lay down new memories and have a system that can easily access and preserve the older memories.
So along with the exercises, if you aren’t already… Why not learn a new skill which will sharpen up the mind?
It’s been shown that learning a new language, although not so easy, is great to sharpen up the mind.
I’ve always wanted to be bi-lingual, so I think my next goal is to become conversationally fluent in Italian.
Or why not learn a NEW dance. Notice I emphasise “NEW” …. Just doing the dances you learnt years ago won’t help your brains motor cortex stay in shape, so get moving with a NEW dance! (I’d make dance videos………….. but I’m yet to get good at dancing) 🕺😀
There are A TONNE of new hobbies out there you can try (and If you have any ideas for the group, post them below)
Don’t think those days are behind you.. Or that you can’t do it. You can!! Know that it's never too late!
“Everything that you can see happen in a young brain can happen in an older brain. The only requirement is that the person must have enough of the reward, or punishment, to keep paying attention through what might otherwise be a boring training session.” If so, the changes can be every bit as great as the changes in a newborn.“
Find something you’ve always wanted to do and do it! :)
Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn? Are you learning something new at the moment? Or do you have any ideas for new hobbies/skills? Let me know! 👇
[Reference: “Brain That Changes Itself - Norman Doidge]