Simple Breathing Exercises For Seniors | Improve Your Breathing

5 Simple Breathing Exercises For Seniors

Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this exercise video where we do 5 simple breathing exercises which you can do to help you improve your breathing.

Healthy lungs are essential for optimal functioning through all stages of life, but, just like all areas of the body, our lungs are not immune to changes as we get older.

However, when we get a better understanding of our lungs and our respiratory system and what can happen through the years, we can take charge of our health and do what’s necessary to improve the health of our lungs.

There are many things that you can be doing, right now, to improve your lung health.

Click HERE for my most recent article on improving lung health over 60!

In this video we cover:

  1. Intro

  2. Breathing Exercise 1 - Relaxation

  3. Breathing Exercise 2 - Pursed Lip Breathing

  4. Breathing Exercise 3 - Abdominal Breathing

  5. Breathing Exercise 4 - Deep Breathing with Holds

  6. Breathing Exercise 5 - Quick Sniffles

  7. Outro

Do your best and any questions ask below!

- Mike


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