MUSCLES STRETCHED: Arms, Shoulders, Back and Spine

Anatomy involved in Seated Shoulder & Overhead Stretch

The shoulder and arm overhead workout is excellent for older adults because it exercises the arms, shoulders, back, and spine, making the upper body stronger and more flexible.

When older adults lift their arms overhead, it's like the deltoid muscles in the shoulders have a special job—they help with moving and staying steady. The trapezius muscles in the upper back and neck also help out, making sure the posture gets better.

In the arms, both the triceps and biceps muscles get active, making them stronger. And don't forget the muscles along the spine, including the erector spinae—they get involved, making sure the back gets better support and stays in line.

All these muscles working together make the shoulder and arm overhead workout a really good exercise for older adults, helping them keep the upper body in good shape and feel better overall.

Step-by-Step Guide FOR OLDER ADULTS

To perform the shoulder and arm overhead stretch, follow these steps:

  • Sitting up tall in your chair with your shoulders back and down, interlacing your fingers.

  • Turn your palms away from you.

Seated overhead stretch for seniors
  • Bring your arms up above your head, towards the ceiling and push up as far as you can.

  • Hold this movement for 30-60 seconds, feeling the stretch in your shoulders and your sides.

Benefits of Seated Shoulder & Overhead Stretch

  1. Improves Posture: Assists in straightening up and correcting posture issues related to sitting or standing.

  2. Reduces Stiffness: Eases stiffness in shoulders, arms, and upper back, facilitating smoother movement.

  3. Strengthens Muscles: Strengthens upper back and shoulder muscles, contributing to overall muscle health.

  4. Enhances Joint Health: Keeps joints healthy by promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling, and slowing wear and tear.

  5. Increases Flexibility: Improves flexibility in the shoulders, arms, and upper back.

  6. Eases Daily Activities: Makes everyday tasks easier by increasing upper body mobility.

  7. Improves Quality of Life: Regular practice leads to better movement and an enhanced quality of life.

  8. Promotes Blood Flow: Encourages healthy blood circulation in the upper body.

  9. Preventive Health: Helps in slowing down age-related degeneration in the shoulder and arm regions.