Lower Body Bed Exercises For Strength and Mobility (Beginner Level)


These are a series of videos I have wanted to create for a while, so join me (Mike - Physiotherapist for these upper body bed exercises.

This is part 2: of the series of bed exercises working on mobility and helping strengthen all regions of the lower body, and we also do some deep breathing at the end.

In part 1 we went through some Upper Body Bed Exercises.

These exercises are some simple but effective exercises that work the mobility and help strengthen all of the lower body including the glutes and core. And we also do a stretch and some deep breathing at the end.

Not only will these exercises help strengthen and improve the mobility of the areas, they will also be helpful if you’re having difficulty moving in bed, or getting from a lying to seated position.

You can progress these exercises by adding in ankle weights or a resistance band.

To view this video, click the video below (or HERE).

I hope you enjoy this workout! Part 3 to come soon!

Remember to stay moving!

Stay healthy! Stay active, stay happy! and I’ll see you soon!

- Mike


Bed Exercises For Strength and Mobility (Beginner Level)